Wednesday 3 June 2009


I have:
- tidied my room for 12 hours
- thrown out 7 black bin bags of rubbish
- filled one bag with clothes to give to charity
- filled 2 more to put on ebay
- put 2 portfolios and 1 box full of work in the loft
- put a sewing machine in the loft
- put a whole basket of clothes in the dirty washing

AND my room is still a tip!
I don't understand how it is, i have too much stuff.
But it needed to be done, and by this time next week my room should be half bedroom, half office for Panda Loves Kitsch!
I'll put some photos up when its done and that but yeah, effort!

Hope all is well with everyone.
Panda Loves Kitsch

Tuesday 2 June 2009

Oh and...


Hi Guys!

So we thought a blog would be an ace idea of keeping you all up to date with us.
So here we go.

We're going to be registering as a proper business asap. When we do that we'll be getting some t-shirts in, with a print similar to that on the right. I'm mega excited about that.

We also have some new stuff to upload into the store, all to come shortly.

Please add us to your contacts and if you have any queries please do ask!

Panda Loves Kitsch